TASSAA Study Abroad Application Form

Please ensure that you fill out the form using CAPITAL LETTERS exclusively and a black or blue ballpoint pen. All fields must be completed. Should you require any assistance during the form-filling process, do not hesitate to reach out to your Edudite Counsellor for guidance. Additionally, kindly include scanned copies of all your academic documents, ID card, and passport in PDF format along with this form for submission. Finally, remember to submit the completed form, along with the application fee, at our office.”

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Personal Details

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Full Name
Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian Name

Academic Details

Preferred Countries
Annual Budget (TZS)


I declare that the entries made by me in this form are true in all respects and in case any entry or information is found to be false, it shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission, besides rendering me liable for such action as may be deemed fit according to TASSAA. I undertake to submit the proof of having fulfilled the minimum eligibility conditions and the required documents relating to my qualifications. I fully understand that in any case of cancellation of admission, there will be no refund of application and/or registration fee and any tuition fee paid will be refunded as per the concerned policies.